Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Robert Luis Stivenson

Original, Novi naslovi, Akcija 3 za 1399

“All human beings, as we meet them, are commingled out of good and evil: and Edward Hyde, alone, in the ranks of mankind, was pure evil.”

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Robert Louis Stevenson's masterpiece of the duality of good and evil in man's nature sprang from the darkest recesses of his own unconscious – during a nightmare from which his wife awakened him, alerted by his screams. More than a hundred years later, this tale of the mild-mannered Dr. Jekyll and the drug that unleashes his evil, inner persona – the loathsome, twisted Mr. Hyde – has lost none of its ability to shock. Its realistic police-style narrative chillingly relates Jekyll's desperation as Hyde gains control of his soul – and gives voice to our own fears of the violence and evil within us. Written before Freud's naming of the ego and the id, Stevenson's enduring classic demonstrates a remarkable understanding of the personality's inner conflicts – and remains the irresistibly terrifying stuff of our worst nightmares.

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is one of the most famous pieces of English literature, and is considered to be a defining book of the gothic horror genre.

  • ISBN: 9788660361334
  • Broj strana: 80
  • Pismo: Latinica
  • Povez: Mek
  • Format: 20x14
  • Godina izdanja: 2022

Robert Luis Stivenson
Robert Luis Stivenson (1850-1894) rođen je u Edinburgu u Škotskoj. Pisao je fantastične i avanturističke priče poput "Doktor Džekil i gospodin Hajd" i "Crna strela", prema kojima su snimljeni filmovi i koji su prerađeni u priče za decu. Veoma cenjen, kako u svoje vreme tako i danas, izvršio je ogroman uticaj na pisce kao što su Borhes, Džozef Konrad i Grejem Grin. Stivenson je napisao Ostrvo s blagom kad je video da njegov nećak vodenim bojama slika mapu ostrva. Počeo je da smišlja imena za ostrvo: "Ostrvo kostura", "Brdo Durbin", dok naposletku nije, u gornjem desnom uglu stranice, napisao „Ostrvo s blagom“. Posle duge bolesti („četrnaest godina ni jednog jedinog dana nisam bio zdrav“, napisao je), umro je na ostrvu Upolu u južnom Pacifiku, gde je u to doba živeo.